AFP - Why Beijing may want to keep Trump in the White House
The New York Times - EU-China Summit
TIME - China’s ‘Mask Diplomacy’ Is Faltering. But the U.S. Isn’t Doing Any Better
THE NEW YORK TIMES - Spread of Virus Could Hasten the Great Coming Apart of Globalization
AP NEWS - Ties to China shape cautious reaction to Hong Kong protests
BILD - Warum das Duell der Giganten so gefährlich ist- “Why the Duel of the Giants is so dangerous”
THE NEW YORK TIMES - Europe and Asia Move to bolster Global Systems That Trump Has Attacked
THE WASHINGTON POST - The Biggest Winner of the Trump-Kim Summit is China
THE NEW YORK TIMES - China’s Ambitious New ‘Port’: Landlocked Kazakhstan
THE STAR - First Direct London-China Train Completes 12,000 km Run
CNBC NEWS - What the British Think About Brexit
What the British Think About Brexit